Creating a new database is really simple in Schematic, simply create your schema files for the database then run the migrations using migrations:execute

Firstly however we'll cover the syntax for configuring a schema file.

Below is a sample of the schema file which is created with the migrations:generate command:

    ##Just the base of the file configs, names the file and defines the version

        name: Schematic 
        ## The name of the application

        version: 1.4.1 
        ## The version of the application this file is for

    ## The area where the database settings are defined, all database and file configs are defined here

        ## General database settings should be defined here for the table

            name: schematic 
            ## Name of the database to run this table import on

            charset: utf8 
            ## Charset to use for this table

            collation: utf8_general_ci 
            ## Collation to use for this table

            engine: InnoDB 
            ## Database engine to use for this table

        ## Within tables you define the table this file represents

            ## This should be the name of your table

                ## Within fields you will define the fields for your table

                ## The key should be the name of your field

                    type: int(11)
                    ## For each field you must define, a type, you define the type as you would in MySQL e.g. int(11), varchar(128) enum('YES', 'NO'), etc...

                    'null': false
                    ## Null must be defined with single quotes in YAML

                    unsigned: true
                    ##Unsigned and any other boolean settable configurations for fields are set as real booleans

                    autoIncrement: true
                    ## Auto-increment does what you'd assume, it sets a field to auto-increment if it is the right format, e.g. an integer and has an index.

                    index: 'PRIMARY KEY'
                    ## You can set the same kind of indexes as the same as you would in your database, e.g. PRIMARY_KEY, INDEX, UNIQUE, etc... you are also able to define composite keys, simply set them as another primary key

               # In this example we are going to show how to define a foreign key

                    type: int(11)

                    'null': false

                    unsigned: true

                    index: 'INDEX'

                    ## Foreign keys are quite easy to define, just setup a foriegn key array

                        table: users
                        ## Setup the related table

                        field: id
                        ## Setup the related table id

                        ## Setup the on even

                            update: CASCADE
                            ## Then as per the format of your database setup your action

                            delete: RESTRICT
                            ## As above

                ## As above this is the name for the field we are defining

                    type: varchar(128)
                    ## As above we are just defining the type with it's length

                    'null': false
                    ## As above we are just defining a null false

                    rename: full_name
                    ## To rename this field you would use the rename field, and set the new name within here


                    type: datetime

                    'null': false